6 tips to take care of your skin in pregnancy
Do you want to know how to properly care for the skin in one of the sweetest stages of your life? In Zaffiro Organica we give you all the keys to avoid the ravages that the hormonal imbalance can produce in your skin during pregnancy. Stretch marks, varicose veins, acne, fluid retention, irritation ... Avoid them with these 6 tips.
6 tips to take care of your skin in pregnancy
They say that pregnancy "beautifies", which is the time where you will have the most shiny skin, the brightest hair, the strongest nails ... That is, what is known as "pregnancy glow". All very idyllic, yes, but the truth is that the vast majority of women, normal and earthly, suffer a series of consequences not so pleasant due to the hormone revolution. And is that the skin of the pregnant woman is very sensitive: Redness, pimples, spots ... How to remedy? With these 6 tips that we propose:
- Take care of your diet: If during pregnancy you eat in a healthy way, not gaining excess weight by avoiding fried foods, fats and sugars, your skin will thank you. The appearance of granites and especially the dreaded stretch marks will be less likely, since you will not subject the skin to large stretches. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and consuming protein at least 4 times a week will stimulate the production of new muscle fibers and prevent postpartum sagging.
- Drink at least 2L of water: It is a key and fundamental factor if you want to look beautiful skin in addition to combating dehydration. Also drink at least 2L. avoid the retention of liquids so typical at this stage.
- Use creams or oils with moisturizing effect: Especially specific for stretch marks and blemishes and if they are natural and also contain almond oil better than better.
- Sun protection 50: Even in winter the sun protection factor must be used daily. And it is that at this stage where the skin is so sensitive, many changes in pigmentation occur. Besides this way you will avoid photoaging.
- Practice some sport: Walking, walking, swimming ... Nothing aggressive but that allows you to move and not oxidize too much.
- Don't forget to take care of yourself in the postpartum phase: Just as important as pregnancy is the postpartum phase. Here the skin is very relaxed and it is very important to continue with hydration, exercise and good nutrition.