How to prepare the skin for summer: 5 easy steps
Finally we have summer just around the corner !! Now is the time to act to prepare your skin and be able to wear a beautiful tan, lasting and even, in addition to a silky touch and a very healthy aspect. How to get it? Very easy, following these simple steps that Zaffiro Organica proposes to revitalize and recover the luminosity and hydration of your skin, and, thus, take care of it and protect it for the summer.
5 Tips to prepare your skin for the summer
We know, the desire to wear a tan and nice tone fill us with hunger and rush when the good weather comes, but beware! Sun damage can be harmful. Stains, burns, premature aging, keratosis, and even worse prognoses ... are the consequences of overexposing to the sun in an inappropriate way. Therefore, the ideal is to do it gradually and progressively always with protection and with a series of tips that will help us prepare the skin before sun exposure:
- Cleans and exfoliates your skin: Your skin has been around for a long time without seeing the sunlight. It is clear that you need a set-up. The exfoliation will remove all dead cells and impurities by renewing your skin. The cleaning routine must also be exhausted.
- Hydration inside and outside: It is always essential, but after exfoliation, your skin will be more receptive than ever. So go for a moisturizing cream with light texture and do not forget to drink between one and two liters of water daily to keep your body well hydrated.
- Watch your diet: Time to make small changes in your diet by increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables rich in beta carotene and vitamin C: Carrots, broccoli, tomato, spinach, etc ...
- Choose the right cream for your skin type: Knowing what type of skin you have and your needs, it is essential to choose the best cream. Depending on the weather, age or type of skin, a facial or other cream will be needed.
- Sun protection: The first commandment of skin care in summer: sun protection. We've heard it ad nauseam, UV rays are the biggest enemy of skin health. The main cause of cancer and other minor problems such as the appearance of spots or premature aging. It should be a routine procedure, not only with direct exposure, but with exit