Celulitis; Todo lo que necesitas saber para eliminarla

Cellulite: Everything you need to know to eliminate it


The gynecoid lipodystrophy, commonly known as cellulitis or orange peel, is the accumulation of adipose nodules, which are stored in the subcutaneous tissue of some areas of the body. Especially and mainly in the abdomen, buttocks hips and thighs. 


Who suffers?

Between 85 and 98 % of women have cellulite at some point in their lives as of their adolescence ... So, if you are not of that tiny percentage that is miraculously saved, you have had it or you have it and there is nothing better than knowing it thoroughly to combat it with maximum efficiency. 


How is it produced?

Cellulite is formed by hormonal overproduction that causes the fat cells to stop working properly. When they stop performing their main function of drainage, these cells become inflamed, increasing in size and becoming rigid, which interferes with the circulation of fluids. All this leads to orange peel and the stiffness of the area of ​​the affected skin. 


Causes by which it appears

• Natural hormonal changes: taking into account that cellulite affects mostly women, the problem still increases more in the stages with higher levels of estrogen as in puberty, during menstruation, in pregnancy or in menopause. 

• Bad nutrition. Above all, the one with a high sodium index. 

• To live a sedentary lifestyle. 

• Circulatory problems. 

• Genetics. 

• Hormone medication such as estrogen. 

• The consumption of alcohol and / or tobacco 


How to fight it?

In Zaffiro Organica we propose the following tips to avoid and eliminate, at one time, cellulite naturally:

• Food rich in fiber avoiding the consumption of fats. 

• Hydration is paramount. Drink 2L. of water a day will help you not to retain liquids and improve circulation. 

• Avoid salt as much as possible. 

• Do not use tight clothing as it makes circulation difficult. 

• Cold showers stimulate circulation. 

• Infusions with diuretic properties such as horsetail. 

• And of course, the application of massages with effective oils. To this end, at Zaffiro Organica we have created our 100% natural BIO oil cold pressed and without undergoing chemical treatments with the best selected ingredients. Natural extracts of grape seeds, sweet almond oil, sunflower seeds, essential oil of rosemary and bitter orange. Our oil has an elasticizing, firming and draining action that makes it the best ally to combat skin imperfections such as cellulite and stretch marks. 


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