Why is fall is falling on us more hair? Tips to prevent it
Just like the leaves fall in autumn, this physiological renewal of nature also takes place in our hair. And it is no secret, that at this time of the year we lose our hair more sharply. Sometimes even alarming us by the intensity with which it occurs. That is why at Zaffiro Organica we want to propose some useful tips to prevent this massive fall that can become hopeless.
why does hair fall in the fall? Myth or reality
Before you put your hands to your head thinking that you have a hair problem, let us tell you that hair loss in autumn is a dermatological cause that affects the vast majority of mammals and that evolutionarily has been like this since the earliest times . That is, the animals have been changing fur for the winter to protect us from the cold. Which produces an increase in hair loss in autumn. So first and foremost, peace and quiet, because that hair you are losing, if there are no major causes, you will recover.
Of course, we must be careful because there are always special circumstances that can accentuate that fall, as is the case of people with iron deficiency or hormonal alterations.
Tips to prevent hair loss in Autumn:
Hair loss in autumn is related to changes in telogen effluvium of the hair, which shows different variations during the different seasons of the year. Therefore, in these cases, we should not worry too much about their loss since it occurs naturally and is almost impossible to avoid. What we can do is promote your health with some advisable guidelines:
- Do not stress
- Discard iron deficiency or hormonal (thyroid) disorders with a blood test.
- Hair massages to increase blood flow to the follicles and stimulate growth.
- Reduce the consumption of some foods such as sugars and fats.
- Use natural shampoos without parabens, silicones and alcohols.
Our shampoo with 100% natural ingredients of vegetable keratin is ideal to prevent hair loss and promote its growth thanks to blood stimulation. Ingredients such as oatmeal, flaxseed oil, macadamia oil, aloe vera and olive oil offer shine and volume to the hair, while the essence of sweet orange rich in vitamin C prevents hair loss. Try it and convince yourself.